Qunxin Microelectronics

Qunxin Microelectronics have rich experience in integrated circuit chip design, process packaging testing and application. Chip technology represents the highest level of manufacturing and processing technology in the world, and is the strategic commanding height of global high-tech national power competition. Compared with companies that only focus on a certain chip technology, Qunxin's optoelectronic integrated circuit products almost cover chip manufacturing the whole process link. In particular, our multi-chip packaging process and laser scribing process enable our products to iterate quickly and meet the individual needs of customers.
Products include: temperature sensor, distance sensor, pressure sensor, optocoupler (including transistor optocoupler, high-speed optocoupler, high voltage optocoupler, gate drive optocoupler, photorelay), MCU, power management chip, MOSFET etc. Qunxin Microelectronics has the business philosophy of technology sharing, open platform, cooperative innovation, and common development, and promotes the development of electronic products in various industries to a highly intelligent direction. In terms of application, function definition and system integration technology innovation can be carried out according to the customer's products, and solution reference can be provided.
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