Ethernet switch with one chip and multi-protocol support
What is multi-protocol?
Multiprotocol is an architecture that can run multiple protocols.
In many industrial applications, the traditional serial "fieldbus" has been replaced by high-bandwidth Ethernet that can be linked to corporate networks. Although there are several protocols for industrial Ethernet, such as PROFINET, Ethernet / IP, EtherCAT, ModbusTCP, and others, they are not compatible with each other. Therefore, when designing products for industrial Ethernet, compatibility with various protocols must be considered.
One solution is multi-protocol Ethernet switching products.
Efforts for Next-Generation Ethernet Standard IEEE 802.1 TSN (Time Sensitive Network)
The standard Internet has advantages in terms of openness, compatibility and cost, but there are problems such as the inability to fix latency and the lack of guaranteed bandwidth. While industrial Ethernet addresses these challenges, proprietary hardware protocols have hampered its adoption.
For this reason, the IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Network (TSN) uses standard Ethernet hardware that has been widely used and is being studied to meet the needs of all industries with a unified standard.
In TSN, IEEE is the group leader and AVNU is promoting the creation of the ecosystem, and the ADI evaluation board is used as the test head.
Analog Devices’ Ethernet switch fido5100/5200

Analog Devices (ADI) fido 5100 is an Ethernet switch that supports PROFINET, EtherNet / IP, Modbus / TCP, POWERLINK, and SERCOS III. fido5200 also supports EtherCAT.
The fido 51/00/5200 supports each protocol by downloading the firmware from the host processor at power up.
fido5100/5200 Features
- Supports all industrial protocols
- IEEE 802.3、10 Mbps/100 Mbps、half / full duplex, IPv4 and IPv6 communication
- EtherNet / IP with QuickConnect, CIP Sync, and CIP Motion
- Modbus TCP
- Ethernet POWERLINK
- PROFINET Class B and Class C with High Speed Startup (version 2.3)
- * Supports PROFINET cycle times up to 31.25μs
- IEEE 1588 version 2
- * Ordinary clock, raw frame, and UDP
- EtherCAT (fido5200 only)
- * EtherCAT cycle time support up to 12.5μs
- Ease of use
- 3.3 V input / output buffer
- 8 independent timer signals synchronized with an internal precision timer
- 4 independently programmable timer signals for timer capture or timer output events
- Drive LEDs for link activity
- Small package : 144 pin, CSP _ BGA RoHS-compliant package
- Wide temperature range:−40℃ ~ +85℃
- Evaluation Kit - Provides an out-of-the-box assessment of the host processor and network interface module connectivity
fido5100/5200 has a good evaluation environment
An evaluation kit is available to quickly evaluate the connection between the Host Processor and the Network Interface Module. The evaluation kit supports PROFINET, PROFINET, PROFIBUS, EtherNet / IP, EtherNet / IP and DLR, EtherCAT, and ModbusTCP. The integrated interface enables protocol switching and updates without changing the Host Processor hardware or software interface.
- Content of the network interface evaluation kit
- Network interface board
- UART personality module
- Parallel interface personality module
- Ethernet personality module (planned)
- Power supply and outlet adapter
- Ethernet cable
- USB cable
- Innovasic Developer Portal Information Card

Target application
- Industrial automation
- Process control

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