


Icetana AI Suite

icetana Safety and Security serves as the core product, supported by a comprehensive suite of AI-powered solutions.


Safety and Security

24/7 real-time surveillance

Effortless and Scalable Security Solutions

Icetana adaptive, self-learning AI seamlessly integrates with large-scale surveillance systems, continuously analyzing patterns to detect anomalies in real time by understanding the typical activity within your environment.


This empowers security teams to swiftly and proactively respond to incidents as they occur.

The Challenge Without AI

With over 24 billion hours of CCTV footage produced daily, the burden on security personnel is escalating. The sheer number of screens that a single operator must monitor is growing at an overwhelming rate.

  • Overlooked Incidents: As camera numbers rise and security teams shrink, critical events frequently go unnoticed.
  • Screen Overload: Monitoring hundreds of feeds simultaneously leads to overwhelming screen clutter and operator fatigue.

The solution: icetana AI Safety and Security Software

icetana Safety and Security seamlessly integrates with your current system and is compatible with most popular video surveillance platforms. Upon installation, icetana AI follows a straightforward 3-step process:

Learn What’s Normal

Icetana's AI uses machine learning to identify abnormal footage and events without compromising privacy or requiring invasive technology.

Highlight Anomalies Only

Regular surveillance footage remains hidden, with only unusual events displayed, reducing operator fatigue.

Continuous Improvement

As icetana processes more data, it becomes increasingly efficient, focusing on fewer but more critical events on your LiveWall.

Key benefits

Remote Monitoring

Access and monitor your premises in real time from anywhere, at any time.

LiveWall Alerts

Receive instant notifications on icetana AI’s LiveWall, ensuring you stay informed of any potential threats as they occur.

Real-Time Reporting

Following installation, icetana’s AI analyzes your camera feeds and delivers real-time insights tailored to your needs.

No Camera Upgrades Required

icetana AI works with a broad range of existing camera models, eliminating the need for costly hardware upgrades.

Use Cases: How icetana Safety and Security Operates

Icetana's Safety and Security solution can be applied across various scenarios within your facility:

Perimeter Breach Detection

Instantly detect when a person or vehicle crosses a designated boundary you’ve defined as a perimeter.

Trespassing Alerts

Identify unauthorized individuals or vehicles entering restricted areas during off-hours or unexpected times.

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