AI Solution for Industry Monitoring
Industries are by definition complex and dynamic environments, with a routine of events that is difficult to describe. The environments of large industries leverage some factors, such as the ingress and egress of suppliers and a large movement of people from outside the company.
It is also common that there is a large number of different types of vehicles entering and leaving the industrial gates: passenger cars, SUVs, vans, buses, forklifts, tractors, trucks, and AGVs. Sometimes they share the same internal roads with each other and with the people on site.
The extent of these sites is also a challenge, and they can have a perimeter of tens of kilometers and multiple entry and exit gates. All these factors make the challenge of monitoring the security of industries more complex.
Private security for monitoring industries
Hiring a specialized private security company to, among other services, monitor the industries' environment through video is very important. There are hundreds - and in some cases thousands - of cameras operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, seeking to ensure the safety of each area of the company.
However, the size of these monitoring systems mainly implies:
high cost of operation: one operator each shift monitoring a dozen cameras;
low efficiency: to monitor all screens several operators are needed
low effectiveness: with so much information visually available at the same time, it becomes difficult to identify when something important is actually happening
high response time: with the time taken to identify the event, there is a delay in acting on its resolution.
How can these issues be resolved to optimize the monitoring of industries and facilitate the work of security professionals? With AI solutions and Artificial Intelligence systems.
Artificial Intelligence to optimize the security of large industries
Artificial Intelligence systems can optimize the monitoring process by filtering out common events and notifying the operator only of extraordinary events. A great example is the AI solution from Icetana, brought to Europe by Macnica ATD Europe.
This solution allows the identification of unusual events automatically and in real time. Thus, only events that can endanger the health and safety of people and the environment are notified to the operator.

The operation of Icetana's AI solution is based on a constant learning of the routine of each industry space monitored by the cameras. By identifying something out of the ordinary, an alert is generated for the operator.
As only relevant images - about 2% of the total - are shown by the system, a single operator is able to monitor up to 300 cameras. With this, the probability of identifying an occurrence and acting in its resolution increases significantly.
Also, through the resources that Icetana’s platform makes available, it is also possible for the operator to create "labels" to identify important events that occurred under his supervision and to review more than 24 hours of video in a few minutes through the highlights generated by the platform itself.

Icetana's Artificial Intelligence solution can identify:
people, machines or objects in restricted environments;
movement of people or vehicles;
outbreaks of fire or localized smoke;
vehicles circulating out of the standard, such as going the wrong way, backwards, or parked irregularly;
violation of walls or fences;
fights or assaults;
pedestrians running;
movement of a larger than usual number of people;
use or non-use of certain Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) or identification, such as vests.
One of the main advantages of Icetana’s solution is the possibility of using the entire existing monitoring system, installing the platform licenses on the server that holds the camera images. In this way, it is possible to monitor several plants and manufacturing units in a single place, inside or outside the company, because, although the processing of images by Artificial Intelligence occurs locally, the monitoring dashboard is in the cloud.
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