Macnica ATD Europe GmbH Company Policy_English

Increasing customer satisfaction is our most important approach as part of our corporate policy. Our customer focus is supported by open communication, joint projects and the evaluation of customer satisfaction on the basis of regular customer visits.


Protecting the environment is another important approach for our company. For us, acting in a quality-conscious manner does not contradict the responsible use of natural resources. We are aware that our activities have an impact on the environment and it is therefore our duty to reduce this impact to a minimum within the scope of our economic, organizational and technical possibilities.


Promoting occupational health and safety within the company is the third key approach in our corporate policy. All employees should have knowledge of hazards in the work environment and know how to deal with them. Every employee in the company has the duty and the right to work towards eliminating circumstances that lead to a waste of resources or endanger occupational health and safety.


For us, the continuous improvement of the management system and all processes in the company is a prerequisite for the further development and optimization of the company in harmony with the protection of the environment and the compatibility of occupational health and safety. Errors should be avoided and potential sources of error consistently eliminated. We align our corporate policy with the purpose and context of our organization and thus also provide a framework for the annual definition and evaluation of our corporate goals.


The necessary basis for continuous improvement is provided by a clearly structured organization and the provision of human and material resources, whereby the acquisition of efficient and environmentally friendly products and services is supported.


The management is committed to monitoring the effectiveness of the corporate policy and, if necessary, adapting it to the latest knowledge and requirements.


The understanding and awareness as well as the attitude of all employees towards quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety are essential for the long-term success of our company.


Ingolstadt, April 21st 2024

Managing Director