Ensure security with a smart video surveillance system
Vacation time is synonymous with a break from routine. Many people take the opportunity to travel and visit new places, which means a lot of movement in bus stations, airports, shopping malls, squares, parks, etc...
And to enjoy these good times, the first thing you need is security!
That's why having an intelligent video surveillance system is essential.
Faced with so many dangerous situations that can arise, having an extra pair of eyes monitoring the images from the cameras can guarantee that an incident is avoided.
And that's what Artificial Intelligence (AI) does for you: by monitoring camera images in real time, it's possible to identify risky situations and alert the security team in time so that they can avoid a major incident, such as robberies, accidents and so on.
And that's what Icetana's Artificial Intelligence (AI) does:
It monitors camera images in real time, identifies risky situations and alerts the security team so that they can avoid a major incident, such as burglaries, accidents, among others.
Icetana is not an analytical system like those available on the market
If you've ever searched for information on how Artificial Intelligence works in video surveillance security systems, you may have come across several solutions that offer this service and, to get it up and running, you need to define the rules to train the AI algorithm - the analytical systems.
However, when you find an AI solution that requires rules to be defined, you need to tell the system which abnormal situations will be identified by artificial intelligence.
In other words, anything that is abnormal but not mapped onto the AI algorithm's training rules will not be identified, making it clear that this approach is not efficient, as well as being very time-consuming.
Artificial Intelligence systems using Machine Learning
Having analyzed all these points, it is important to have intelligent and efficient video surveillance security systems that are not restricted in their development.
It is necessary to have an AI solution for video surveillance able to learn the normal behavior of the site and identify abnormal situations, in other words, that uses the concept of continuous Machine Learning based on real-time monitoring of the site.
And this is exactly what Icetana's AI solution does for your intelligent video surveillance system. Using Machine Learning, the AI algorithm learns the normal behavior of the location and starts alerting you whenever an abnormal situation occurs, even if the situation hasn't been mapped by the security team.
Much more confidence in identifying abnormal situations in your system
Examples of the types of events that Icetana's algorithm identifies:
- Crowds forming
- Traffic jams
- Access to restricted areas
- Large groups of people entering a facility
- Protest activity
- Unauthorized access to emergency exits
- Suspicious activity
- Vandalism
How does Icetana's AI solution work?
Focusing on the functionality of identifying crowds of people and cars, Icetana's AI algorithm compares previous data on the number of people and cars attending that location at that time and if it finds very different numbers, this means that something unusual is happening and alerts are issued in real time.
It is worth noting that this reference data is updated, usually every week, meaning that the normal flow of people at that moment will be compared to the flow of people that the algorithm has already recorded in this environment, at that time over the last week, over the last month, depending on how long it has been actively running in that location.
In other words, the intelligent video surveillance system is constantly being updated and becomes even more efficient at identifying abnormal situations.
This puts your security team in a proactive position from the outset, rather than simply reacting to events that have already taken place.
The best part is that artificial intelligence continuously learns about each environment, becoming smarter over time, without the need to continually define or modify rules.
As a result, even a small team sees its prevention rates improve and security breaches decrease, which greatly increases the level of security on sites.
Installing Icetana's AI solution
Icetana's AI solution connects perfectly to your existing system and is compatible with the video surveillance platforms widely used by CCTVs. In other words, you'll be adding more intelligence to the system you're already running.

Once installed, it initiates a simple three-step process that immediately makes the people and property on your company's network safer and more secure.
STEP 1: Icetana's algorithm learns what is normal for the environment
Based on the images collected from the site, the Machine Learning algorithm identifies which events are normal and starts to flag events that are out of the ordinary, without invasive technology or privacy violations, in compliance with the GDPR.
STEP 2: Icetana only displays unusual or interesting events
Images from security cameras with normal/typical situations are automatically hidden, revealing video feeds only when an unusual event occurs on the camera. This reduces screen fatigue for security staff. All detected anomaly events are automatically flagged and saved for review.
STEP 3: Icetana improves over time
Over time, and as the algorithm processes more images, Icetana's AI solution gets smarter. You'll see less on your open monitors, but what is shown are the most important events and potential risks.
This way, your security team has the relevant data it needs to make better decisions in real time.
This environment where camera images are shown with abnormal situations is called a LiveWall, because what is being shown is real-time, relevant and needs the attention of the security team.
See how LiveWall can optimize and facilitate the work of your security team using Icetana's intelligent video monitoring.
Contact us to get this solution and make your video surveillance system smarter.