JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder

Visually lossless compression and decompresion

The JPEG XS Encoder/Decoder by Techno Mathematical Co. harnesses the power of their original computing algorithm, "DMNA," aligning with the ISO/IEC21122-1 standard for JPEG XS. This hardware RTL core delivers Visually LossLess compression and decompression, catering to ultra-low latency requirements with a delay of mere lines or less. Supporting various image formats and bit depths, it offers configurable compression ratios, providing constant bitrate control per frame. With throughput of 8 or 12 samples/clock, it manages diverse image sizes from 32x4 to 8192x4320 pixels, adaptable to specific requests.


  • Visually LossLess Compression/Decompression
  • Ultra-Low Latency: Delivers delays of just a few lines, achieving less than 1ms with high-speed transmission lines.
  • Multiple Image Formats and Bit Depths Supported
  • Configurable Compression Ratios: Ranging from 1/2 to 1/20 compression ratio in Byte unit.
  • Compliance with ISO/IEC-21122-1 (JPEG XS) Standard.


Compression format
  • JPEG XS (ISO/IEC21122-1)
    • Supported profiles: Light 422.10 , Light444.12 , Main422.10 , Main444.12 , High444.12
Compression and decompression throughput
  • 8 or 12samples/clock (ex:4K-422-60P@150MHz)
Image size (width x height)
  • 32 x 4 pixels to 8192 x 4320 pixels (changeable on request)
Image formats and bit depth
  • RGB, YCbCr 4:4:4/4:2:2/4:0:0 , bit depth : 8/10/12 bit
Image data, compressed data interface
  • image data : AXI4-Stream , 96 or 144 bit/clock ・ compressed data : AXI4-Stream , 128 bit/clock

Techno Mathematical is recognized for its:

Cutting-Edge Algorithmic Innovation: Incorporating advanced algorithms such as DMNA, Techno Mathematical products are designed to optimize computational efficiency and elevate image processing capabilities.


Extensive Application Flexibility: Offering solutions in audio and video compression, as well as visibility enhancement across diverse shooting scenarios, these products serve an array of industries including security, surveillance, and AI-based image recognition.


Adaptable Interface Integration: Techno Mathematical's hardware IPs feature versatile input/output interfaces supporting multiple video signal formats (AXI4-stream, DE) and control interfaces (APB3), ensuring seamless integration and compatibility across systems.


Performance-Oriented Solutions: Prioritizing performance metrics, these products deliver enhanced image quality, minimized latency, and streamlined throughput, meeting the demands of superior audio/video processing and efficient data handling.